Divine Love Meditation
Pachamama is Divine Love
Pachamama is the highest divinity of the Andean people since she is concerned with fertility, plenty, the feminine, generosity and providing protection.
The name Pachamama is translated into English as Mother Earth since pacha is a word in both Quechua and Aymara that means earth, cosmos, universe, time, space, etc. and in English mama means “mother.”
Oils For the Divine Love Meditation
I am suggesting more than one option because in some countries, the oil suggested is not available or you may not have the suggested oil at home. You can create a blend with whatever oils you have at home or you can order by clicking on the link below. Be creative!
1. Grounding Blend
Use Valor
2. Divine Connection Blend
In an empty oil bottle mix:
2 drops Stress Away
10 drops Frankincense
Optional: Add 5 drops Cedarwood to reduce Monkey Brain
3. Divine Transformation Blend
Use Transformation oil
Another option:
In an empty oil bottle mix:
5 drops Lavender
5 drops RC
3. Divine Love Blend
Use Joy or Forgiveness
4. Divine Protection Spray
In a 4 oz. glass spray bottle:
Add 10 drops Palo Santo or White Angelica. Fill with water.