What is Loyalty Rewards?

Young Living Loyalty Rewards

Loyalty Rewards is Young Living’s perks program.
Sign up today and unlock our exclusive 24 percent discount and receive your monthly loyalty order while earning free gifts and loyalty points to spend on future product purchases.

How do I qualify for discounts on Loyalty Rewards?

• You’ll unlock a 24 percent discount on your loyalty order, if you have at least one item set to process each month on your loyalty order

• Any item is ok, regardless of price (or PV).

• If you keep at least one item in your Loyalty Rewards monthly order, you will also receive the 24% discount on one-time shopping orders.

Set up your Loyalty Rewards by Clicking on the Accounts drop down menu.
Open your Shopping account.
Click on “Account” in the upper right of the home page.

Young Living Loyalty Rewards

What flexibility do I have with my loyalty orders?

Young Living Essential Oils

24% Discount
• Earn a 24 percent discount on all loyalty orders and one-time purchases you place.

Change your Order anytime
• Individually add or remove items in your loyalty order at any time or switch them out to try new products.

Save for Later
• Place items in your Save for Later section to easily swap out items from month to month.

Easily Manage
• Easily manage your loyalty order at any time! You can swap products, change quantities, cancel, or change your process date.

PV Assist
• Add PV Assist to complete your order if something in your Loyalty Order is out of stock.

Earn Free Products
• Every month you place a loyalty order of 50+ PV, you earn loyalty points to redeem for product purchases. You’ll also earn a free loyalty gift after your first 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of consecutive orders, plus an additional gift every 12 consecutive months thereafter.

Young Living Essential Oils

How do I earn loyalty points?

For all loyalty orders that are 50+ PV (point value), you earn loyalty points that can be redeemed for product purchases. Plus, as your number of consecutive months with a 50+ PV loyalty order increases, so does the number of loyalty points you earn.

1. Set up a monthly loyalty order of 50 PV or more.

2. Earn loyalty points with each monthly loyalty order.

3. Redeem loyalty points on future product purchases.

Find Point-Eligible Products in the Shopping area

Young Living Loyalty Rewards

Earn Loyalty Gifts?

You earn free loyalty gifts by placing consecutive loyalty orders of 50+ PV. For the first year, you’ll earn a loyalty gift at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months—and every 12 months after year one.

Young Living Essential Oils