I chose to support my digestion so I can enjoy eating the foods I love.

Woman applying cream onto her belly at home

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Young Living Life Essential Kit

Life Essentials Kit 1

Contains ICP Daily and NingXia Red®, Life 9®, Essentialzymes-4™, and Peppermint Vitality™ essential oil.

• Prebiotics and Probiotics to rebalance your gut with healthy bacteria.

• Fiber to keep you regular and absorb excess toxins and xenoestrogens in the gut

• Enzymes to support healthy digestion

• Peppermint oil to keep your stomach happy!

• Minerals, amino acids and antioxidants to keep you healthy!

Rebuild your Digestive System for a month!

1) In the morning, take 2 oz. of NingXia Red drink with a drop of Peppermint Vitality oil and a scoop of ICP Daily.

2) Add a drop of Peppermint Vitality oil to your drinking water throughout the day.

3) Take Essentialzyme-4 before or after every meal

4) Take 2-3 Life 9 Probiotic capsules just before bed.

Peppermint Vitality oil 
This oil is one of Young Living’s top sellers. Just add 1 drop of oil to a quart of drinking water. (For a stronger effect, add 1 drop to 8 oz of water). Your tummy will be so happy, and you can continue drink as much as you like to feel your best.
See our free Transform Your Life e-book to learn many other benefits of using peppermint oil in your daily life.

Life 9 Probiotic capsules
Life 9® is a highly potent probiotic with 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains to support healthy immune function, maintain optimal metabolism, and promote normal intestinal function.

Essentialzyme-4 Enzyme capsules
Oil- infused enzyme capsules aid in the digestion of dietary fats, proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates with a unique two-capsule enzyme blend that use time-release technology for optimal nutrient absorption.

ICP Daily
ICP Daily™ is an entirely plant-based, soluble fiber drink that contains 6 grams of prebiotics and 5 grams of soluble fiber. This drink mix helps fuel your body’s healthy gut bacteria, along with supporting your digestive and immune health and cleansing metabolic toxins—everything you need to start feeling good from the inside out! ICP Daily is gentle on your stomach, so you can take it every day, and it helps maintain regular digestion when it’s difficult to eat enough fiber-rich foods.

More Options

Kidscents TummyGize oil
This blend is specially formulated for small children to use when their tummy needs soothing. It is diluted with a carrier oil, so it can be applied directly to your child’s tummy or the bottom of their feet.

DiGize Vitality oil
An invaluable digestive aid when you are feeling discomfort from too much rich food or when food doesn’t agree with your stomach. This blend is also beneficial for building a health gut biome and digesting toxins in the colon. Vitality oils are safe for internal use. Add 1-3 drops to a glass of water and drink as needed.

Copaiba Vitality oil
This gentle Brazilian oil is traditionally used to soothe stomach discomfort. It is milder that DiGize Vitality oil. Copaiba Vitality oil is safe for internal use and can be added to a glass of water to drink or put a drop under the tongue.

ComforTone® capsules
These oil-infused capsules can be used to breakdown waste matter in the colon and keep things moving smoothly through your intestines.

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